Threat and Vulnerability Analysis

ROGERCO assigns a custom team of subject matter experts to examine the unique threats/vulnerabilities faced by a client using proprietary and industry accepted methodologies and technologies. Threats and vulnerabilities are identified and analyzed. A detailed report; a “living document” – is produced complete with recommendations that address each deficiency. Customers rely on ROGERCO for security process engineering, infrastructure improvement, and training to implement agreed upon recommendations. Vulnerabilities analyzed and mitigated may include:

    • Deficiencies in policy, programs, or personnel security
    • Organizational structure and information flow
    • Vulnerability of computer and telecommunication networks, and the systems/processes they support that affect critical mission functions
    • Vulnerabilities to hostile intelligence, domestic/foreign terrorists and cyber APT Tactics, Techniques and Procedures
    • Vulnerabilities identified through counter intelligence assessments
    • People, process and technology vulnerabilities identified via standards-based vulnerability assessments

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